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Equilab’s Seminar: Increasing Clinical Trial Capability in Indonesia

Equilab International as the largest Contract Research Organization in Indonesia has been providing clinical trial services for 21 years. On June 3, 2024, Equilab International hosted a successful seminar "Increasing Clinical Trial Capability in Indonesia" in Jakarta. The event, attended by over 100 participants from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, BPOM (Indonesian FDA), Principal Investigators, researcher, and the pharmaceutical industry aimed to deepen the understanding of clinical trial regulations in Indonesia.

“Thank you, Equilab, for organizing this event. The theme aligns with our health transformation goals. We want research to grow rapidly, at the very least to meet the needs of the Indonesian people and to play a role on the global and international stage” said Mrs. Rizka Andalucia– Acting Head of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), in her opening speech.

During the presentation, Mrs. Atti – Chairwoman of the Clinical Trial and Drug Assessment Team of BPOM, is optimistic about future improvements of the clinical trial approval process. Prof. Herkutanto – Member of the MTA BKPK of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, highlighted the need for fair Material Transfer Agreements to build local research capacity. He also mentioned that Equilab obtained many MTA approvals. Mrs. Indri – Head of BB Binomika of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, outlined the role of Clinical Research Centers and Units, emphasizing the need to strengthen the clinical trial ecosystem in Indonesia. Mrs. Damayanti – Vice Director of Professional Education, Research, and Human Resources of Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital, highlighted the importance of factors in improving site capacity and clinical processes. She also mentioned that Soetomo Hospital has many global clinical trials.

The seminar concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Ronal Simanjuntak, General Manager of Equilab International. The panel emphasized the need for increased awareness, commitment from hospital leaders, and strong regulatory support to improve clinical trials in Indonesia. All attendees were eager to learn and would love to participate in advancing clinical trials in Indonesia.

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